Friday, January 31, 2014


Well, this post may be a little late. So let me extend to you my sincere apologies.

Let me start off by saying that Anime Does NOT Equal Cartoons. This is a common misconception. Yes, Anime is animated. Duh. But that does not make it children's entertainment. That would be like saying all black people are good at track. Nah son. Black =/= good at track just as anime =/= cartoon. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, lets get to why I chose to write this.

Anime incorporates all the elements of the best aspects of all kinds of entertainment. Action from movies, epic or emotional soundtracks, nudity! Its all in anime. This hobby is such a great time passer too! Have 3 days to yourself and nothing to do? Go watch Death Note. You don't need to go outside and interact with... people. There are all kinds of anime that suit to an exponential amount of tastes.

The content in anime is nothing to laugh at either. Even though you are looking at animated scenes instead of live action ones, most of the time i find myself awed at the pure emotion and content that comes from this media. To be simple, it is better produced content then the same old generic stuff you see on t.v. nowadays.

Don't think that nobody really watches anime either! No. 'Tis not true. Ever heard of The Matrix? Yeah, that was inspired by an anime movie (Ghost in the Shell). No biggie. The fact is, anything is achievable in anime. Weather you want a love story, or a virtual reality one. Anime has inspired many things and it will convenient to inspire things as your life goes on. Hop on board the anime boat.

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